DV launches new Lunch and Learn program

Students write what leadership means to them on a sticky note.

Lunch and Learns are part of the DV Y.E.L.L.S. initiative and are held each month by high school principal Dr. Nicole Cosentino and Penn State University School Outreach Coordinator Angie Smith. Lunch and Learns are held during all lunches in the Learning Commons and center around one specific topic per month that falls under the umbrella of leadership.

The first Lunch and Learn was held Oct. 24 and addressed the topic of service learning. The latest meeting was held on Nov. 14 and focused on the topic of leadership. Lunch and Learns are only available to class officers and Student Council officers, however, after school until 4:30 the same topic and presentation is given to any student who is interested.

“We’ve wanted to do this long before COVID, and we’re able to bring it back and try to get our kids the skills they need to leave Delaware Valley and be productive citizens,” Dr. Nicole Cosentino said.

There will also be a service learning workshop until 6 p.m. once a month on Mondays for any student interested in service learning. Students should register no later than the Thursday before each training. Anyone interested can register with 11/12 Mrs. Robin Adelfio at [email protected]. Late buses will also be available for any student who participates.