2023 marks 100th year of Scholastic Art, Writing Awards

Photo by Contribution
This is an example of a previous art award winner.
On Dec. 12, the art submission period for the Scholastic Art Awards came to a close. All pieces submitted before the deadline will be judged in January of 2023. The winners will be displayed in an art exhibition in the Everhart Museum from Feb. 2 – Feb. 26. Winners can expect to receive a congratulatory ceremony, scholarship rewards and recognition from potential exhibitions and publications.
Any student between grades 7-12 can make a submission to be judged. Individual pieces cost a $10 entry fee, and portfolio submissions cost $30.
The entries are first submitted and judged regionally. DV’s art entries fall under the Northeastern Pennsylvania Art Region and are first pitted against submissions from the same local region. Regional winning entries receive a “Gold Key” that grants automatic access to competition at the national level where gold medals, silver medals and scholarships can be earned.
Each of the four high school art teachers—Mrs. Tricia Kaylor, Dr. Irene Lantz, Ms. Krystine Thompson and Mrs. Maria Tusinean—select around 10 of their top students’ respective art pieces to submit for consideration in the awards. According to Mrs. Kaylor, it is not uncommon for DV to have multiple entries receive awards.