Families and students enjoyed the annual trunk or treat event, organized by the senior class officers, where trunks that were decorated offered candy and games for all to enjoy on Oct. 30.
“I thought it was excellent. It was super warm which was nice,” physical education teacher Mrs. Jennifer Marchetti said. “We had a lot of kids come out, and we had great participation among the high school clubs and organizations.”
The goal for the trunk or treat was to have a community service project that was fun for both the community and the students.
“I think that any time you can have a free event where people can come out and join together it’s a good community builder,” Mrs. Marchetti said.
Junior Julie Hopper said it was a huge success. She loved seeing the community come together and all the kids in amazing costumes. Hopper helped with the Student Council and Drama Club’s trunks.
The trunk or treat event was an opportunity for all age groups to get together and show off their costumes.
The senior class officers organized the trunk or treat event by reaching out to several club advisers and coaches to get students involved.