A tough battle against Warwick Valley High School brought the Warriors to a 4-0 record last Friday. Junior Tyler Lombardo led the team with 12 points, freshman Trey Newton followed with 10 and sophomore Sam Wood put up seven.
As a team, the Warriors struggled putting points on the board, but head coach Kris Holtzer is proud of the team for continuing to battle on defense.
“I think defensively, to hold a team like that under 40 points is really good,” coach Holtzer said.
He believes their scouting on Warwick played a huge part in their success on defense.
“We knew every play they were running, so our kids did a good job,” coach Holtzer said.
The team recently has struggled in their zone defense, so it was important in the second quarter that they were able to settle down and lock in on their man-to-man coverage according to coach Holtzer.
Even with a young team, Holtzer believes they will continue to see success, especially with their upcoming schedule.
“These guys are awesome kids. They work really hard,” coach Holtzer said. “We’re super young, but they’re really talented.”
Prior to the game, Lombardo was named Blue Ridge Cable Athlete of the Week.
While regarding this honor, he believes the team helped play a benefitting role.
“I think the team has made me feel more comfortable and more confident than I’ve ever been,” Lombardo said.
The team took on Scranton Prep last night in a highly anticipated matchup.