While parking passes are overall marketed as a necessity for students who drive to school, they prove to be more of a financial burden rather than a worthwhile investment.
Consider the whopping price of $50 for an unassigned spot. For students who are already strapped for cash, that’s a lot of money to pay for a parking spot when the lot is already overcrowded and inconvenient. Seniors are especially forced to park farther from the doors due to the high amount of juniors who take their spots. This fact overall defeats the purpose of “the senior lot.” Why must students pay for a spot that is not promised to them?
Superintendent Dr. Brian Blaum explains that the money from parking passes goes to a general fund that is used to payout a variety of expenses district wide, like maintenance for the parking lot. Some of this money also goes to senior events, but at what cost?
Even while this price overall benefits the senior class and its events, it places a burden on students who may not have the money to pay. Think about the cost of car insurance and gas. Students should not have another financial burden regarding their vehicle.
“I think parking passes are annoying, due to no assigned parking spots, ” junior Tim Jason said. “It puts me out of $50, which is two gas tanks.”
Unlike Delaware Valley, Port Jervis High School provides a more student-friendly approach by not charging any fees for parking on campus. Instead of paying to park, all students need to do is register their vehicle to secure a parking spot.
Many students have voiced that they would be willing to pay for a parking pass if they were given a designated spot in the school’s lot or had the opportunity to personalize and paint their parking space. Without these incentives, the cost feels like a waste, especially when the parking lot is overcrowded and the “assigned” spaces are rarely guaranteed or convenient.
Not only is the price of the parking pass outrageous, but the overall concept of the sticker is too. Car stickers are another way in which the wrong person can gain information about you. The parking pass sticker can give clear indication where you attend school, which is overall dangerous for young drivers.
“Even though I paid the ridiculous fee, I haven’t put the sticker on my car,” senior Claire Marotta said. “I don’t like the idea of advertising where I go to school if I am in an unfamiliar area.”