Throughout high school, friendships and relationships come and go. With friends, you might disconnect for a few years until you have a class together senior year. Is it wrong to talk to them after years of not speaking?
I think it is always best to rekindle friendships, especially since you might not see them again after high school. Just because you end on bad terms with someone, does not mean the situation is not fixable. Communication is key if you want someone in your life.
When I got my schedule at the end of junior year, I was so nervous for my first semester classes senior year because I did not know who would be in them. One of my friends whom I have not talked to since freshman year ended up being in my classes, 3D Design and gym. She always made these classes tolerable, even if we did the bare minimum.
Because of her, I met another one of my close friends who is in my fourth period and makes every day better. And then through her, I met another one of my friends. The cycle keeps going, all because I rekindled with my friend.
I know relationships ending are common and happen in high school. Missing someone can really fog your brain. There is never any harm in reaching out, even if it is just to help you sleep better at night.
I believe that there is good in everyone and that good can be shown by just saying hi to an old friend. Sometimes your best memories can become better simply by just talking to an old friend.