Spotlight Writer: Griffen Kowal

Senior Griffen Kowal’s preferred writing style is informal, as it allows him to be more creative and there is no format limiting him. 

He was first captivated by writing in fourth grade with  the prompts his teacher gave him. The prompts allowed him to write the stories in his mind onto paper for the first time. The prompts he received in his junior year English class are what really got him involved in writing. 

“The prompts I received in my English class that year really expanded the way I wrote, beyond the typical five paragraph essay,” Griffen said. 

While he has been inspired by his high school English teachers, Mrs. Leslie Lordi, Mr. John Farrell and Mr. Bryan Pol, his mom, is his greatest inspiration. Griffen’s first memory of literature was reading at a young age with his mom. He specifically remembers reading “We Eat Dinner in the Bathtub” at age 6 with her, and he said it was the first story he truly enjoyed.  

“She [Griffen’s mom] showed me that whatever you put into something you will get out,” said Griffen. “I believe that this translates especially well to improving your writing.”

Griffen has taken both AP English Language and Composition and AP English Literature and Composition. He has not been involved with any writing and literature clubs, but in his free time has written 36 essays in his process to apply to 16 different colleges and universities.

“Despite his acumen for business and STEM-based learning, Griffen has proven himself a well-rounded young man with a talent for just about everything,” English teacher Mr. Bryan Pol said.