Upcoming volunteer opportunities in the area

DVES Sports Night

Volunteers will be outdoors setting up, running, and breaking down sports stations for Delaware Valley Elementary School students on May 6 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. In case of rain, the event will be postponed to May 13. Contact Mrs. Elizabeth Fitzpatrick if you are interested in helping.

Peer Buddies

Peer Buddies interact with students with special needs. Peer Buddies will meet on May 10 and 24 in R16 until 4:30.

Tamerlaine Sanctuary

Tamerlaine Sanctuary are looking for volunteers to assist in developing their pollinator farm anyday from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Volunteers 17 years or younger must have an adult accompany them. Contact Mr. George Geldermann if interested.

The Smithsonian Institution

The establishment is looking for “volunpeers” to transcribe documents such as logbooks, historic recordings, manuscripts, etc…. Contact Mr. George Geldermann if interested, and more information is available on https://transcription.si.edu/.

USDA Forest Service Volunteer Program

Volunteers work indoors and outdoors and do a variety of tasks including landscape and garden maintenance, Laurel Hill cemetery restoration, special event support, etc…. Hours can vary depending on the volunteer’s commitment; you can choose to volunteer frequently or contribute a one-time service. Contact Mr. George Geldermann for a list of contacts to set volunteering hours.

Milford Readers and Writers Organization

On May 14, volunteers will be setting up chairs and decorations at Saint Patrick’s Hall at Milford from 2:00-3:30 p.m. and folding chairs and tables from 6-7 p.m. Contact Mrs. Jacqueline Weston if interested.